what could a better mountain bike pedal look like?

For my senior capstone project, I chose to investigate a better mountain bike pedal. The project utilizes magnets as a way to hybridize a pedal retention system. Magnets would allow for the rider to retain their pedals effectively while allowing the rider to safely ditch the bike in a crash.

The Process

Research and Ideation are the foundation of this project, I started by conducting market and user research to gain an understanding of current market offerings and user needs before moving into a lengthy ideation phase. I also conducted demographic research, thinking about potential user groups.


For this project I also investigated branding and marketing, coming up with a fictional components brand called “Flatwoods Bike Co.” As a way to give my product a home to sit in.

How Does it work?

I created this storyboard to illustrate how the pedals work


Fleur System Family Dinnerware